Wednesday, 13 April 2011

In the kitchen

Some things we have made

Coconut Ice

For some reason we don't have a picture of the finished product, but I can confirm that it was very yummy indeed!

Honey Cake

Cheesy Star bites

Home Ed Journey.

I've decided to start a second blog, not a very imaginative title though I'm afraid!

This blog will primarly be to document and share the Home Ed Journey that I travel with my son. I've tried keeping a written diary but to be honest because I don't have the means to print photos at home I often lose the motivation to keep up with entries.
As I can upload the photos to the computer I thought maybe I'd find it easier to keep up to date with what we do if I can sit in the evening and post a few photos, with a few descriptive words.

As I have a backlog of photos, there will probably be a flurry of posts to begin with, while I try and catch up on the 'things we have done'

I'll write a bit more about 'us' over the next few weeks....