Sunday, 12 February 2012

No fun like Snow Fun!

You can just see Lemmy peeking out from behind his snowman!

Lemmy was most disappointed not to have snow at Christmas, but then in his six years on this planet all he can remember is snowy Christmases. I'm sure we can all remember that feeling we had as children when you glanced up at the window and saw the snow coming down, or awoke in the morning to a world suddenle covered in a white glittering blanket. It's magical.
Last weekend we went for a walk down the lane. The fen drain was completely frozen over and we stood on the second bridge for a while watching the swans. One had found a gap in the ice and was ducking under to feed. The other was tentatively stepping across the ice and with the occasional cracking noise it's foot would disappear. Eventually it joined it's mate to feed. These swans often nest at this point on the drain and so we walk up there through the months and eventually are rewarded with the sight of the cygnets.
We had the obligatory snowball fight, Lemmy reigning victorious (as always).
We returned home and while I came in to warm up, the boys stayed outside and built a snowman.

We're still autonomous at the moment, aside from a little bit of time each day to do a couple of worksheets on Maths and English. Lemmy's reading is coming along, and I guess when he can do that much better we'll naturally graduate to doing projects and more directed learning. Winter for us always seems a much more quiet time on the learning front as we're at home more. But then you reflect on the day's conversations and realise you've often covered a wide range of topics. There's usually some History and Geography in there, mostly because Lemmy is still interested in English Civil War!

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